
Safety for Autonomous Systems using Control + Machine Learning @ REALM, MIT AeroAstro

I’m Oswin So, a 3rd year grad student in REALM at MIT, advised by Chuchu Fan. Previously, I did my undergrad at Georgia Tech, where I was very fortunate to do undergraduate researcher with Evangelos Theodorou and Molei Tao.

Last summer, I interned at Toyota Research Institute where I worked on game theoretic planning. Previously, I worked at Aurora as a Behavior Planning Intern during the summer of 2021 under Paul Vernaza and Arun Venkatraman, working on cost function learning via on-policy negative examples for autonomous driving.

See my full CV here (updated October 2024).

Contact: oswinso [at] mit [dot] edu
Follow: Google Scholar | LinkedIn | oswinso | @oswinso


Oct 2024

Happy to announce that our paper solving optimal control problems with reach-avoid constraints using Deep RL has been accepted to NeurIPS 2024! Check out our project page!

Jul 2023

My first paper after joining MIT as a grad student on combining Deep RL and optimal control to synthesize safe, stabilizing controllers has been accepted to RSS 2023! Check out the project page for cool visualizations and videos.

Jan 2022

Two of my recent works Multimodal Maximum Entropy Dynamic Games and Decentralized Safe Multi-agent Stochastic Optimal Control using Deep FBSDEs and ADMM were recently submitted to RSS 2022 and are currently under review! Check them out.

Also, Maximum Entropy Differential Dynamic Programming has just been accepted to ICRA 2022!

Sep 2021

Check out our most recent work Maximum Entropy Differential Dynamic Programming currently under review for ICRA 2021!

May 2021

Variational Inference MPC using Tsallis Divergence has been accepted to RSS 2021!



  1. RPCBF: Constructing Safety Filters Robust to Model Error and Disturbances via Policy Control Barrier Functions
    Luzia Knoedler*, Oswin So*, Ji Yin, Mitchell Black, Zachary Serlin, Panagiotis Tsiotras, Javier Alonso-Mora, and Chuchu Fan
    2025 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) (Under Review)
  2. NeurIPS 2024
    Solving Minimum-Cost Reach Avoid using Reinforcement Learning
    Oswin So*, Cheng Ge*, and Chuchu Fan
    Thirty-Eighth Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems , 2024
  3. T-RO
    Gcbf+: A neural graph control barrier function framework for distributed safe multi-agent control
    Songyuan Zhang*, Oswin So*, Kunal Garg, and Chuchu Fan
    IEEE Transactions on Robotics (Under Review)
  4. ARC
    Learning safe control for multi-robot systems: Methods, verification, and open challenges
    Kunal Garg, Songyuan Zhang, Oswin So, Charles Dawson, and Chuchu Fan
    Annual Reviews in Control
  5. ICRA 2024
    How to train your neural control barrier function: Learning safety filters for complex input-constrained systems
    Oswin So, Zachary Serlin, Makai Mann, Jake Gonzales, Kwesi Rutledge, Nicholas Roy, and Chuchu Fan
    2024 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)


  1. RSS 2023
    Solving Stabilize-Avoid Optimal Control via Epigraph Form and Deep Reinforcement Learning
    Oswin So, and Chuchu Fan
    Robotics: Science and Systems , 2023
  2. ICRA 2023
    MPOGames: Efficient Multimodal Partially Observable Dynamic Games
    Oswin So, Paul Drews, Thomas Balch, Velin Dimitrov, Guy Rosman, and Evangelos A. Theodorou
    2023 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)


  1. ML4PS 2022
    Data-driven discovery of non-Newtonian astronomy via learning non-Euclidean Hamiltonian
    Oswin So, Gongjie Li, Evangelos A Theodorou, and Molei Tao
    Machine Learning and the Physical Sciences Workshop NeurIPS , 2022
  2. NeurIPS 2022
    Deep Generalized Schrodinger Bridge
    Guan-Horng Liu, Tianrong Chen*, Oswin So*, and Evangelos A Theodorou
    Thirty-Sixth Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems , 2022
  3. Multimodal Maximum Entropy Dynamic Games
    Oswin So, Kyle Stachowicz, and Evangelos A. Theodorou
    arXiv preprint (in submission)
  4. RSS 2022
    Decentralized Safe Multi-agent Stochastic Optimal Control using Deep FBSDEs and ADMM
    Marcus A. Pereira, Augustinos D. Saravanos, Oswin So, and Evangelos A. Theodorou
    Robotics: Science and Systems , 2022


  1. ICRA 2022
    Maximum Entropy Differential Dynamic Programming
    Oswin So, Ziyi Wang, and Evangelos A. Theodorou
    2022 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)
  2. RSS 2021
    Variational Inference MPC using Tsallis Divergence
    Ziyi Wang*, Oswin So*, Jason Gibson, Bogdan Vlahov, Manan S Gandhi, Guan-Horng Liu, and Evangelos A Theodorou
    Robotics: Science and Systems , 2021
  3. Spatio-Temporal Differential Dynamic Programming for Control of Fields
    Ethan N Evans, Oswin So, Andrew P Kendall, Guan-Horng Liu, and Evangelos A Theodorou
    arXiv preprint (in submission)
  4. L4DC 2021
    Adaptive Risk Sensitive Model Predictive Control with Stochastic Search
    Ziyi Wang, Oswin So, Keuntaek Lee, and Evangelos A. Theodorou
    Learning for Dynamics & Control Conference , 2021